Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Morning, or Writers are Officially Nuts

Happy holidays everyone! Belated, I know, but a lot has been going on chez Wells. Still, on Christmas morning, amid agonising over the creme brulee while pacifying a screaming baby and a 3 year old acting like a rat on speed, I did one of my favourite things, and called Anna Campbell. Ostensibly to wish her merry Christmas.

But of course, our chat segued into writing, as it always does with two obsessed individuals like us, and after general gossip, we suddenly found ourselves discussing, of all things, passive voice. After a few minutes, I caught myself. "Do you realise we're talking about...grammar?" I said in a hushed voice. "On Christmas Day?" Anna sucked in a breath. "We are truly sick individuals! Quick, tell me what you're having for Christmas lunch!"

Whatever holiday you celebrated, I wish you the very best!


Anna Campbell said...

Yes, it was a funny moment. And the funniest bit was that neither of us quite realised how odd it was for quite a while! By the way, if I'm a nut, can I be a scorched almond? Yum! Happy New Year to everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

ROFL! You two ARE nuts! Discussing passive voice on Christmas morning with a rat on speed running about the house? I hope the creme brulee came out well...:)

I hope you both had a wonderful Christmas! And Happy New Year!