Thursday, December 28, 2006

Alex the Dog

BC, or before children, my constant companions at the computer were my Great Dane crosses, Alex and Monty. Alex barks at the postman, is scared of thunderstorms, and loves chasing her Kong. She peed on my lap when we took her home from the animal shelter. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.

On Christmas Day, we realised that suddenly, Alex couldn't see. My husband rushed her to the emergency vet, who was open on Christmas Day, thank goodness. After a few more visits, the specialist's opinion was that something is pressing on her optic nerve. Steroids may help but the outcome isn't certain. She might never regain her sight.

For such an active dog, we thought this might well be the end of her quality of life. But within 24 hours she was already adapting, mapping out her environment by scent and touch. There have been a couple of setbacks and we are sad to see that she is not her usual mad, ebullient self, but the silver lining seems to be that if the worst happens, she will become accustomed to the loss. Sometimes, life is heart-breaking and wonderful at the same time.

1 comment:

Kelly Boyce said...

Good luck with Alex! It's amazing how adaptable animals are.