Thursday, July 03, 2008

More Gorgeous Covers

Isn't this one of the most beautiful covers you've ever seen? It's for my friend and critique partner Denise Rossetti's The Flame and the Shadow and it's by the same artist who created the covers for my novels--James Griffin. Isn't that a coincidence?

This is the first in a series you won't want to miss. A fantasy romance from a master storyteller, the first in her four-sided pentacle series.

You can read more about Denise and her novels here.


Denise Rossetti said...

Aw, Christine, thanks for displaying my cover. James does the most amazingly beautiful work, doesn't he? We've both been blessed by the Cover Fairy I think!

I'll be interviewing James on my blog 24/25 October. I'm dying to find out about the processes he uses. And readers are welcome to ask questions too!

Christine Wells said...

Cool! I'll enjoy reading that, Denise.

I really, really, love that cover.