Monday, July 23, 2007

Off at a Tangent

Do you ever start the day with a 'to do' list, only to find at the end of it, you haven't even accomplished the first task?

I'm sure mothers will identify with this phenomenon--little people can throw your plans out of whack without even trying--but in a professional sense, this happens most often to me on the internet. All those diverging paths--links, comments, interesting points to google, words to look up on etymonline (ok, that's just me, not many people care that much!) And this is all publishing or writing-related. I'm not even talking about fun stuff.

For instance, this morning I came to do a blog post (I forget what it was about now, but no doubt it was hugely entertaining) and the question popped up--Do you want to customize your blog? Hmm, I thought. I just had a new publicity photo done. Oh, and there's that gorgeous Romance Bandits logo that I'd like to add. Oh, and I've had my website refurbished so the blog could do with one, too...

And before I knew it, I was upgrading my blog and fiddling with templates, fonts, pictures and colours.

Sadly, and much to my webmistress's torment, I'm the sort of person who knows what they like when they see it, but can't envision the result before it's done. This means it takes me a loooong time to decide on a colour scheme. And of course, you can't change all the things you want to in a blogger template. I ended up going for a fairly simple variation. People think I'm conservative. I think I'm just indecisive.

So something that was supposed to take twenty minutes ended up taking 2 hours (in between various household chores). Lucky I got up at 4.30am.

What are your big time-wasters--internet or otherwise? Or are you one of those superwomen who accomplishes everything she sets out to achieve? And if you are, would you like to share some hints on how you do it?


Anna Campbell said...

Vistaprint! I'm a stationery tart like my good friend Anna Sugden is a shoe tart. I can spend hours at Vistaprint perfectly happily until I realise that I meant to revise a couple of chapters today and all I've done is order (admittedly gorgeous) postcards featuring my new release! Love the Scream cartoon, by the way, Madam D-W.

Anna Campbell said...

Oh, also meant to say I like the new look!

Christine Wells said...

Thanks, Anna:) Yes, Vistaprint is another time-swallower. A necessary one, but so many of these things are.

Hey, I hope one of those postcards of your beautiful cover is coming to me! I have quite a collection of gorgeous postcards now;) I might end up on the Roadshow as collector of the week!

Anna Campbell said...

You are an Antiques Roadshow loon, Ms Wells! I'm not sure romance novel covers have yet hit the dizzy heights of Sheraton furniture or Moorcroft Pottery, but best of luck with that!

Christine Wells said...

They do value pop culture, too, you know. Though I don't think any Fabio covers have appeared yet. You never know!

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

BLOGS! Aren't they the biggest time sinks?!?! HAHAHAHA! Just kidding, sorta...

Oh, and sorry to disillusion you Christine, but even when the children are grown they still DEMAND your time (and make you feel like that Munch painting!), take it from one who wasted 2 1/2 hours yesterday trying to hook said child up with a rental vehicle. ARGH!

And POSTCARDS?!?! Thanx a BUNCH Foanna for the one you sent me of Chatworth!

I'll be expecting cards from BOTH of you of your gorgeous covers!


Christine Wells said...

Hey, I'd love to send you a postcard of Scandal's Daughter, AC!
Thanks for asking:)

Denise Rossetti said...

My Internet access doesn't work in the bedroom. When I first realised, I was really annoyed. Now, I'm sooo glad!

I set myself up on the bed, with the laptop on one of those tray-table things. I'm uneasily aware it must be the worst thing in the world for my back, but -- NO distractions!! (Except for the occasional snore from My Beloved.)

Which means I can't email you, Ms Wells, or chat on the loops, or Google myself or even write blog posts like this one!!!

Oh dear, oh dear.

*slinking off to the bedroom, which sounds sexy, but now you know why*